Bridal Bouquet


Blue House Florals Bridal bouquets are designed in an organic, natural style that evoke a feeling of being gathered straight from the garden. Which they usually are! We draw inspiration from the seasons, using what is available locally in our cut flower garden, as well as from local farms. The bridal bouquet is hand tied and finished with a silk ribbon.

Though every attempt will be made to align with the vibe and aesthetic of the wedding, I can’t guarantee any color or particular flower. But I can promise the most fresh, lovely blooms.

À la Carte Florals FAQs

Does à la carte include delivery and set up?

The delivery fee usually ranges from $25-$250. A delivery fee will be invoiced separately depending on the distance and scope of florals. À la carte florals do not include set up.

Can I pick my color palette?

Largely, yes! You may share any color palette preferences you have. But we find the most inspiring creations come from general color inspiration with leeway for the floral artist to create the most beautiful designs with what is in season.

Can I choose which flowers I want in à la carte florals?

We create à la carte florals based on what is blooming locally and in season. You are welcome to share your preferences for types of flowers as a jumping point for inspiration. However, we can not guarantee any particular flower, though we can promise utmost beauty and freshness in our signature garden style arrangements.

Does à la carte include break down?

À la carte florals do not include break down. We encourage you to have guests (or vendors!) take home flowers after the wedding.

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Blue House Florals Bridal bouquets are designed in an organic, natural style that evoke a feeling of being gathered straight from the garden. Which they usually are! We draw inspiration from the seasons, using what is available locally in our cut flower garden, as well as from local farms. The bridal bouquet is hand tied and finished with a silk ribbon.

Though every attempt will be made to align with the vibe and aesthetic of the wedding, I can’t guarantee any color or particular flower. But I can promise the most fresh, lovely blooms.

À la Carte Florals FAQs

Does à la carte include delivery and set up?

The delivery fee usually ranges from $25-$250. A delivery fee will be invoiced separately depending on the distance and scope of florals. À la carte florals do not include set up.

Can I pick my color palette?

Largely, yes! You may share any color palette preferences you have. But we find the most inspiring creations come from general color inspiration with leeway for the floral artist to create the most beautiful designs with what is in season.

Can I choose which flowers I want in à la carte florals?

We create à la carte florals based on what is blooming locally and in season. You are welcome to share your preferences for types of flowers as a jumping point for inspiration. However, we can not guarantee any particular flower, though we can promise utmost beauty and freshness in our signature garden style arrangements.

Does à la carte include break down?

À la carte florals do not include break down. We encourage you to have guests (or vendors!) take home flowers after the wedding.

Blue House Florals Bridal bouquets are designed in an organic, natural style that evoke a feeling of being gathered straight from the garden. Which they usually are! We draw inspiration from the seasons, using what is available locally in our cut flower garden, as well as from local farms. The bridal bouquet is hand tied and finished with a silk ribbon.

Though every attempt will be made to align with the vibe and aesthetic of the wedding, I can’t guarantee any color or particular flower. But I can promise the most fresh, lovely blooms.

À la Carte Florals FAQs

Does à la carte include delivery and set up?

The delivery fee usually ranges from $25-$250. A delivery fee will be invoiced separately depending on the distance and scope of florals. À la carte florals do not include set up.

Can I pick my color palette?

Largely, yes! You may share any color palette preferences you have. But we find the most inspiring creations come from general color inspiration with leeway for the floral artist to create the most beautiful designs with what is in season.

Can I choose which flowers I want in à la carte florals?

We create à la carte florals based on what is blooming locally and in season. You are welcome to share your preferences for types of flowers as a jumping point for inspiration. However, we can not guarantee any particular flower, though we can promise utmost beauty and freshness in our signature garden style arrangements.

Does à la carte include break down?

À la carte florals do not include break down. We encourage you to have guests (or vendors!) take home flowers after the wedding.