Flower Jam

Flower jam (n.) a meet-up for florists inspired by the musician terminology of playing without purpose. A time to design without constraints, to just notice what you notice, and enjoy riffing off of one another.

We meet at a new location each month around Tampa Bay. We aim for the first Tuesday of each month 9-11am, but sometimes things change. If you’re interested in hosting one month, get in touch kali@bluehouseflorals.com

What to expect

  • There is no cost to participate at this time. We currently rely on each other to donate our time and resources to make this a meaningful experience.

  • Please bring at 1-2 bunches of flowers to share with everyone.

  • BYOV (Bring your own vessel) and scissors.

  • Bringing a snack to share is optional, but appreciated!

Who is this for?

  • This flower jam is for professional florists. Please feel free to invite other professional florist friends! 💐

  • Please let us know about any accessibility needs. That way, we can make necessary accommodations.